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Java 获取可用 UDP 端口号的技巧

发布时间:2021-11-21 19:27:35 所属栏目:教程 来源:互联网
导读:Java 获取可用 UDP 端口号的方法。TCP 获取的办法类似于这个。 方法一:如果你不介意获取的端口号范围,可以使用 DatagramSocket 的构造方法定义 0 为其端口号,系统将为其分配一个闲置的端口号: public static DatagramSocket getRandomPort() throws Sock

Java 获取可用 UDP 端口号的方法。TCP 获取的办法类似于这个。
方法一:如果你不介意获取的端口号范围,可以使用 DatagramSocket 的构造方法定义 0 为其端口号,系统将为其分配一个闲置的端口号:
 public static DatagramSocket getRandomPort() throws SocketException {
  DatagramSocket s = new DatagramSocket(0);
  return s;
 public static DatagramSocket getRangePort(int[] ports) throws IOException {
  for (int port : ports) {
        try {
            return new DatagramSocket(port);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            continue; // try next port
    // if the program gets here, no port in the range was found
    throw new IOException("no free port found");
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.DatagramSocket;
import java.net.SocketException;
public class UdpPortTest {
 public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
  DatagramSocket socket = getRandomPort();
  System.out.println("__________socket.getLocalPort():" + socket.getLocalPort());
  DatagramSocket socket2 = getRangePort(new int[] { 3843, 4584, 4843 });
  System.out.println("__________socket2.getLocalPort():" + socket2.getLocalPort());
 public static DatagramSocket getRandomPort() throws SocketException {
  DatagramSocket s = new DatagramSocket(0);
  return s;
 public static DatagramSocket getRangePort(int[] ports) throws IOException {
  for (int port : ports) {
        try {
            return new DatagramSocket(port);
        } catch (IOException ex) {
            continue; // try next port
    // if the program gets here, no port in the range was found
    throw new IOException("no free port found");

(编辑:PHP编程网 - 黄冈站长网)

